Currently, the process of cleaning water for distribution has created a number of Disinfectant By Products (DBP's) that can have negative affects upon consumption. We have developed a Patented Process that will significantly reduce DBP's before Distribution. We have done extensive research and are currently implementing this process at communities. We can also offer Pilot Studies to see how this process can work for your community.

The Process of DBP reduction has been developed over the past 15 years and tested during Pilot Studies. You can find more information on our studies by clicking below. If you are interested in doing a Pilot Study for your community fill out the contact information below and we will reach out to you.

We know that cities and communities work hard to provide clean drinking water for their clients. And there are so many factors as to why some communities may not be meeting the EPA guidelines and need help. That's where we come in! Our vision is to provide clean, safe drinking water for all communities.

Locally owned and operated by Julie Guimond, Sensible Municipal Water Solutions, Inc has been opened since 2020 but in the works for almost 15 years. We are members of:
Water Quality Association
Florida Rural Water Association
Georgia Rural Water Association
American Water Works Association
Florida Water Quality Association
Sensible Municipal Water Systems, Inc. has been involved in the experimentation of removing DBPs from water for several years with multiple pilot tests in cities in Florida. Our systems are currently permanent additions to the municipal water treatment system in several counties and are adding more sites to that list. DBP removal is the main focus of Sensible Municipal Water Systems, Inc.
Our team is available for consultation at your facility to discuss new and innovative ways to reduce your DBPs and eliminate your use of Chloramines.
Office: 712 S Ocean Shore Blvd
Flagler Beach, Fl 32136
Phone: 386-276-1832

Cedar Key

River Park